Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Let's be AVing you

I'm an agnostic on AV. I've no strong opionions one way or the other on it so my vote is up for grabs. I suspect I'm not the only one.

Whilst I'm tempted to vote No just so I can give that duplicitous diet Tory Nick Clegg a well-deserved bloody nose I know that this is a purely tribal response.

So I would like to listen to what both sides have to say in a reasonably intelligent manner so I can make a properly informed decision.

Instead what we seem to be watching is two sets of children throwing accusations at each other of 'gaffes' & 'nastiness'. Yes to AV & No to AV seem more interested in chucking crap at each other than actually talking to people who will be voting.

Preaching to the converted they don't seem to realise how many people out there either don't give a flying fig about AV or are still to make up their minds.

It would seem to me that on the basis that those people bothered enough to have picked a side aren't going to have their minds changed much by accusations or cock-ups. People don't really do that. So you might what to stop attacking each other & concentrate on building a case for your side of the debate & trying to talk to people who might not have quite made up their minds.

If nothing else a proper intelligent debate might actually get people to actually vote because it is telling that the government is so frightened about turnout that they are actually going to over-turn the Lords amendment making the voiding the vote if turnout is less than 40%.

So we all know that the issue is perceived to be so irrelevant by most of the electorate that the government isn't even confident enough to stick its neck out on a 40% turnout.

So please No to AV & Yes to AV stop sniping at each other's campaigns & get on with making your case to the neutrals & the not bothereds.

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