Monday, January 24, 2011

Melanie Phillips - Homophobia as Normal

There's an article by Melanie Phillips today that suggests that Britain is now in the grip of a 'gay agenda'. Sounding like an old school Doctor Who fan with delusions of grandure and a Russell T Davies fixation she claims that gay issues have infiltrated education and that "If it isn’t careful, it risks turning gay people from being the victims of prejudice into Britain’s new McCarthyites."

Dear old Melanie. We can't possibly have gay people rocking the boat can we.

Perhaps they should be content with being victims of prejudice, which I'm sure Melanie would be much more comfortable with. All these troublesome homosexuals demanding to be treated as human beings rather than freaks. All those gay people suggesting that being persecuted by various religions based on whichever bits of their Holy Books suits their prejudice might just be a bit wrong. It's a gay agenda. The next thing you know gayness will be compulsary.

I'd just say this whilst gay peeople are being murdered for being gay; whilst they are being beaten up for being gay; whilst no gay footballer dare come out for being vilified by supporters and ostracised by his team mates; whilst so-called Christians in Africa demand the introduction for the death penalty for being gay; or so-called Christians in the UK and US can call gay people 'abominations' or a man can write a column about an out Tory calling him a 'homosexual-pervert' and whilst people can routinely connect being gay with being a paedophile I'd suggest that there simply is no gay agenda or gay mafia to carry it out. What is happening is that gay people are refusing to be picked on anymore. They won't play the victim. That's what upsets Melanie Phillips and her ilk.

I have said elsewhere that the religous coating given to homophobia allows people to preach hatred and claim God's sanction to do so. Homosexuality is a sin, they say, because the Bible says it was. Well the Bible seems to approve of slavery. Jesus constantly forgets to mention gay people in his ministry. It's almost as if God really doesn't hate gay people. You'd think, if he did, it would be mentioned everywhere in the Bible not just in a couple of short passages in the Old Testament in amongst a bizarre collection of demands from God. Where's Jesus' 'Sermon on The Gays'? Blessed are the peacemakers - unless they're gay - for they shall bring peace....Love thy enemy, unless he's gay in which case I'm quite happy for you to preach hatred & murder in my name.

It's nonesense but it is poisonous nonesense and it allows people like Melanie Phillips to make any attempt to portray gay people as normal look like a hideous attempt to undermine Western Civilisation. What Philip's seems to want is for gay people to put up with being victims & stop making a fuss.

Don't rock the boat gay people please. Just go about your gay lives & don't upset the 'normal' people. One day and I hope it comes soon no one will care whether you are gay or straight. No one will say one is normal and one is abnormal. One day...but unfortunately I suspect there will be a lot more Melanie Phillips columns vomiting an agenda of hate onto the streets.

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